Course Outline
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
- Understanding IoT Fundamentals
- Examples of IoT Devices and Platforms
Overview of IoT Solutions Architecture
- IoT Components
- Analog Sensors and Actuators
- Digital Sensors
- Internet Gateways and Data Acquisition Systems
- Data Aggregation
- Analog to Digital Conversion
- Edge IT
- Analytics
- Pre-Processing
- Data Center / Cloud
- Analytics
- Management
- Archive
Overview of Azure IoT Suite
Installing and Configuring Azure IoT Suite
- Azure IoT SDKs and Tools
- Azure IoT Hardware and Software
- Azure IoT Hub
- Azure IoT Preconfigured Solutions
Using the Azure Dashboard for IoT
Building an IoT Solution with Azure
- Connecting and Managing the Devices Using Azure IoT Hub
- Extracting and Analyzing Data from the Devices Using Azure Functions and Azure Stream Analytics
- Storing, Managing, and Displaying the Data Using Azure Cosmos DB, DocumentDB, and Power BI
- Managing Devices Remotely Using Azure IoT Device Management
Testing and Deploying Your IoT Solution with Azure
Summary and Conclusion
- Basic programming experience
- Basic experience or familiarity with microcontrollers
Testimonials (4)
I enjoyed the relaxed mood. Also there was a very good balance between theoretical presentation and practical side.
Calin Berariu - Continental Automotive Romania SRL
Course - Programming for IoT with Azure
Exercises and practical applications
Doru Marian Aldea Ungurean - Continental Automotive Romania SRL
Course - Programming for IoT with Azure
The exercises , examples and practical application
Doru Marian Aldea ungurean - Continental Automotive Romania SRL
Course - Programming for IoT with Azure
The practical part, I was able to perform exercises and to test the Microsoft Azure features