Course Outline


  • The benefits of using real languages for infrastructure as code.

Overview of Pulumi Features and Architecture

  • CLI, runtime, libraries, and hosted service
  • Understanding stacks
  • How Pulumi stores state and manages concurrency

Setting up Pulumi

  • Linux, MacOS, and Windows
  • Installing with script
  • Installing manually

Creating an Application

  • Choosing a language (JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go, .NET languages, etc.)
  • Choosing an IDE and test framework
  • Defining the infrastructure

Deploying the Application

  • Understanding the workflow
  • Choosing a cloud provider
  • Deploying from the CLI
  • Integrating with a CI/CD system
  • Reviewing changes


  • Going over your team's engineering process
  • Bringing together developers and operators.

Managing the Cloud Environment

  • Auditing and securing
  • Enforcing deployment policies
  • Managing secrets

Best Practices

  • Organizing Pulumi programs
  • Reusing code
  • Sharing code
  • Codifying best practices


Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience with software development and deployment


  • DevOps engineers
  • Software developers
  • Cloud architects
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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